Best Tips on How to Increase Energy Levels Naturally

woman dancing with energy

woman on left is dancing energetically vs. woman on right who is lacking energy with head on their desk
Improve your energy levels naturally Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

You finish lunch, go back to your desk to complete the rest of the workday and after about an hour or two you start to fade. Energy is low, your brain doesn’t seem to want to focus, your eyes are tired and all you want is to lay down and have a siesta…or an espresso. Does this describe your day or is it just me? I want to share my best tips on how to increase your energy levels naturally so you can stay healthy and full of life all day!

Possible reasons for having low energy could include: Stress, not sleeping, lack of water, nutrition, or more serious medical reasons that you should talk to your physician about.

I am going to be talking about 3 different areas I look at when I want to boost my energy naturally.

  1. Diet
    • Simple snack options
  2. Supplements
    • Multi-vitamin
    • B-complex
    • Iron
    • Vitamin C
  3. Lifestyle
    • Sleep
    • Water
    • Fresh air and sunshine
    • Movement/Exercise

Increase your Energy Levels Naturally with your Diet

What you choose to eat throughout the day and fuel your body with is very important to how energized you will feel. I am going to focus on choosing the right snacks. I find when I get hungry my energy decreases, I can’t focus as easily and I know it’s time to drink some water (more on that later), and get a snack. Reaching for snacks with protein will sustain you longer. Protein takes longer for your body to break down which provides your body with a longer-lasting energy source. But you also have to make sure that protein doesn’t also come with a whole bunch of processed sugars like in some protein bars. 

My go-to snack options are kale chips, quick and easy protein shakes, or a handful of almonds. These are all simple snacks that you could even take on the go with you throughout the day.

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Choosing the right snacks can be hard when you are hungry, at that point you just want food and don’t necessarily reach for the best option that will help with energy. So having a few snack options prepared in advance might help.

Increase energy levels naturally with supplements

To help fortify the food I eat and help fill in nutrient gaps I use supplements. The supplements I have found to help boost energy levels include a good multi-vitamin, B-complex, Iron, and Vitamin C.

VitaminsHow it boosts your energy
Multi-vitamin with ironThis Multi-vitamin includes iron and basic nutrients to supplement your diet to help fill in any nutrition gaps that may be causing low energy levels. The iron in this supplement will be enough for most.
B-complexB vitamins are vital for proper bodily function and help the body metabolize nutrients for energy. It also supports cell renewal. I keep this one at my desk and take it in the afternoons when I need a boost of energy and to manage stress levels.
IronYou need to be careful when supplementing Iron and I would recommend speaking with your doctor before taking this one as too much iron is not good for you. 
But low or deficient iron may be why many women experience low energy or fatigue.
Vitamin CVitamin C helps your body absorb iron. It is also great for healing and supporting your immune system.

Increase energy levels naturally with lifestyle choices

Sleep, water intake, taking time to relax and unwind, exercise, getting outdoors, and sunshine are all aspects that I have found to play a part in how energized I feel throughout the day. Doing little things all day long can help provide you with natural boosts of energy. Being mindful of how you feel during the day and listening to what your body is telling you is very important.


Getting the right amount of sleep each night is so important to give your body time to rest and recover. This is time our body uses to perform other functions it can’t complete during the day when we are out and about.


Drinking water throughout the day is so essential for your brain and many other functions in the body. In the morning start your day with a glass of water to wake up your digestive system, replenish water lost throughout the night, and remove toxins. I feel more alert and my skin looks so much better when I drink more water throughout the day.

Fresh Air & Sunshine

During my lunch break, I try to get out for a walk most days to take deep breaths of fresh air and soak in some sun – getting some much-needed vitamin D, especially for those of us in Northern climates. Getting fresh oxygen to the brain and other organs helps to wake things up and refocus. And sometimes it’s good to just get away from the desk, take a step back when you’re stressed and take a breath. Not to mention giving your eyes a break from all the screentime. For eye-health tips check out more on How to take care of your eyes

Movement & Exercise

In the afternoon around the 2 pm/3 pm time frame when things feel like they are slowing down and energy is fading and I need a natural boost I have found doing some light stretching or light exercise on my rebounder really helps to wake me up and give me a good boost of energy to finish out the workday. Then after work, I’ll throw on a great Spotify playlist and dance around the kitchen while making dinner. I know that sounds corny but throwing on some good music and just moving a bit really helps get your mind off the stress of the workday and just get some good vibes going.

Well, I hope some of these natural energy boosters work for you. I challenge you to try some of these natural energy boosters and keep track of how you feel. Which ones improve your energy? Which ones don’t seem to work for you? Learn to listen to your body and become more in tune with what it is telling you it needs.

I hope you have found this helpful and don’t forget, make sure you grab my 5 energy-boosting snacks!

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**This article is written for informational purposes only. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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