Feel Healthier and Build New Habits with a Cleanse

vitamins for a cleanse

Do you feel like you could use more energy in a day? Or do you want to improve your focus? Or do you want to feel healthier and build better habits? Well, you may want to try out a healthy cleanse to feel better overall and build new healthier habits. I just finished a 7-day cleanse as part of a 30-day challenge and I’ll tell you it was challenging but in a good way! Keep reading and I’ll share what I learned and how I was able to feel healthier and build new habits with a cleanse.

vitamins for a cleanse

To be honest, completing a cleanse was something very different for me. I had never really thought of them before or thought I needed to complete one. But it does feel good to accomplish something like that.

I know I am getting a lot of nutrients from all the fruits and veggies I’m eating throughout the week. And it’s nice to give the digestive tract a break now and then as it does so much for me daily. It also gives me the chance to reset my taste buds and become more in tune with my body and what it needs.

We only ate fruits and veggies for a week and then slowly reintroduced all the foods back into our diets.  

Feel healthier and give your digestive tract a break

For 7 days you do not eat processed foods, animal protein, or caffeine. Replacing it with key nutrients from fruits and veggies and probiotic supplements helps to build healthy bacteria in the gut. The fiber also helps with stabilizing energy and blood sugar levels. It gives you a renewed sense of listening to your body. I went to bed every night noticing that I didn’t feel bloated and heavy, and I slept better because I wasn’t as uncomfortable. You don’t realize how hard it is for your body to break down some foods until you stop having them – even if it was just for 7 days!

Get creative with your cooking to eat healthier

You get creative with your meals when you can only eat fruits and veggies. But we found some recipes that will definitely make it into the rotation of meals, thanks to the cleanse recipe booklet that came with the program. Forks Over Knives also has some incredible plant-based recipes. We did have to alter a few as some of them included chickpeas or beans which we weren’t supposed to have during the first 7 days. I like that it forced me to try new recipes that I may not have otherwise tried. And now we have more healthy go-to meal options and healthier snack alternatives that are easy to cook.

kale chips - healthy cleanse snack recipe

Reset your tastebuds to want healthier foods

I love that it allows me the opportunity to reset my taste buds and build healthier habits. Now that I have completed the healthy cleanse I find I am way more sensitive to really sweet and salty foods. Throughout the day I reach for healthier snacks, whether it is simple like an apple or something that involves a bit more planning like a big batch of kale chips that I’ve already made up. The key is having those options ready and available right when you need them.

Build the habit of listening to your body

This was our second time completing the cleanse. We learned from the first time and altered a few things. We felt we needed to listen to our bodies and do what worked for us. So I encourage you to try it out, find one that works for you and make sure you listen to your body and do what you feel is best and healthiest for you. The cleanse I completed can be done 1-2 times a year.

This cleanse will allow you to give the digestive tract a break, reset your taste buds and become more in tune with what your body needs. Allowing you to feel healthier and build healthy habits. These benefits and habits carry on beyond the 7 days. I’m not perfect at exercising, always eating a healthy diet but changing habits slowly to be a little healthier day by day is a win in my books.

If you are wondering how to determine what your body needs to achieve your health goals check out this Free Health Assessment. Click the button below

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

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