Want to know how to get healthy skin? 6 Vitamins for healthy, beautiful skin


The skin is your biggest organ and does so much for your body daily. It protects you from the sun, chemicals, bacteria, and countless other environmental elements. It is water-resistant and can maintain a constant temperature all while having to look good doing it! Did you know your skin cells regenerate every 27 days? The new skin cells are only as good as the nutrients you give them to work with. I have always been a strong believer that to achieve healthy skin you need to heal the root issue and it comes from the inside out. Get healthy beautiful skin with these 6 vitamins.

Beta Carotene

Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant, preventing skin aging. This nutrient offers protection against damage often caused by our environments such as the sun, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants.


This one is super important! Our skin is made up of protein, it is a protein called keratin. Good quality protein helps with smoothing, firming, and tightening your skin along with Vitamins C and B Complex (we’ll talk about those later). Protein is the base you need to start with because without this the other nutrients will not be as effective.

B complex

B complex is known as the beauty vitamin. It softens tension lines and helps regulate the thyroid gland for smooth radiant skin. Stress can be another factor that plays with your skin’s glow. And B vitamins help us handle stress better.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another excellent anti-aging substance since they are a free-radical scavenger. Free radicals are formed in our bodies all the time from using oxygen by our cells. Free radicals are missing one of their electrons, so to replace that missing electron it robs it from another molecule. So on and so on causing a chain reaction. Each time this occurs there is damage left which is where the antioxidants come in to clean up and neutralize the free radicals.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also a free radical scavenger. They work together covering different areas in your body to best protect your cells. Vitamin C is essential in forming collagen. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are found together in nature and this is how it should be in your supplement as well.

Coldwater fish

Coldwater fish such as mackerel, sardines, and haddock contain different kinds of fatty acids. This helps with delaying wrinkles and improving dry skin.

These 6 vitamins are just a few vitamins to fortify your food and provide your body with the raw materials it needs for healthy, beautiful skin. A healthy diet, correct supplementation, healthy lifestyle are all important factors when dealing with your health.

To learn more about why supplementation is necessary go on over to 6 reasons to take vitamins

Remember to smile and drink your water!

*The information in this article is for educational use, not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

  1. Antioxidants made simple – Dr. Bruce Miller
  2. Nutrition for Health Skin, Hair and Nails – Dr. Bruce Miller
  3. Vitamin Bible for 21st Century – Earl Mindell’s

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